Alvise Biffi Elected Vice President of Assolombarda

Approved the proposal


The General Council of Assolombarda approved the proposal of the President-designate Alessandro Spada on the 2021-2025 Presidency Team .

Alberto Dossi (Sapio President) assumes the role of Vice President Vicar with responsibility for the ecological transition. They were also appointed Vice-Presidents: Diego Vittorio Andreis (Fluid-o-Tech Councillor) with responsibility for Labour Policies, Security and Welfare; Alvise Carlo Biffi (CEO Secure Network) with responsibility for Organization, Development and Marketing; Enrico Cereda (IBM President Italy) with responsibility for Digital Transition and technological innovation; Sergio Dompé (President Dompé) with responsibility for Life Sciences; Gioia Ghezzi (President ATM) with responsibility for Infrastructure, mobility and smart city; Giuseppe Notarnicola (President stmicroelectronics) with delegation to Centro Studi e attrazione investimenti esteri; Alessandro Picardi (Executive Vice President Tim) with responsibility for Institutional Affairs, simplification for businesses and legality; Monica Poggio (CEO Bayer Italia) with responsibility for Universities, research and human capital; Veronica Squinzi (CEO Mapei) with responsibility for Internationalization and Europe; Giovanni Tronchetti Provera (Director Pirelli & C.) with responsibility for Sustainability.

Alessandro Spada, President-designate of Assolombarda, holds the delegations to Taxation, Tourism and Culture, and Medium Enterprise. The latter will be coordinated by Giulia Castoldi (BCS S.p.A.). In addition, credit and finance are delegated to the Small Industry, currently chaired by Giovanni Quartiroli (Director Baselectron Srl), and the Start Up delegation to the Young Entrepreneurs Group, chaired by Paul Renda (CEO Miller & Partners Srl).

The Presidency team also includes the Presidents of the Territorial Offices of Assolombarda with the positions held until the expiry of their respective mandates: Nicola De Cardenas (Managing Director Decsa), President Sede of Pavia; Francesco Monteverdi (President Monteverdi Vini), President of the Headquarters of Lodi; Ambra Giulia Redaelli (CEO Rollwasch Italiana), President of the Headquarters of Monza and Brianza.

The candidacy of Alessandro Spada and his team will be submitted by election to the Assembly of entrepreneurs of Assolombarda which will be convened for May 17.

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