Cybersecurity to protect Industry 4.0:

what to secure and how to do it


Giorgio Campiotti (Director of Services and expert for industrial systems in Secure Network) spoke at the webinar “Cybersecurity to protect Industry 4.0: what to secure and how to do it” of Confindustria Vicenza.

Specializing in the development of IOT platforms and integrated systems, Giorgio has had numerous professional experiences in the field of industrial electronic design, networking, system integration and system administration. It mainly performs penetration testing and in-depth analysis of hardware and IOT systems also within Industry 4.0.

The webinar introduced the topic of cybersecurity in the OT world (Operational Technology) and the challenges that differentiate it with the IT world from the point of view of analyzing and securing devices, networks and processes.

Real examples of problems were shown and guidelines for the organization of a 360º security path for the transition from “smart” devices to “smart” companies were outlined.

Having connected devices in the company allows you to monitor production by accumulating useful data to carry out predictive analysis, improve production by exploiting the interaction between man-machine and machine-machine and other applications.

Being connected to the internet and therefore reachable from the outside, these devices expand the corporate surface that can be attacked by malware and cybercriminals.

The way forward is certainly not to resize the devices interconnected, but improve the protection of the same and other elements connected to the network.

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