“Security Ideas” webinar series kicks off

The first event of the Security ideas webinar cycle


The first event of the webinar cycle Security ideas was held on March 24 – Innovation and Enterprise Fund: opportunities for Cybersecurity, organised by BV TECH and Secure Network and supported by IWCAST.

Alvise Biffi, Chief Executive Officer of Secure Network, introduced the webinar anticipating the presentation of the Innovation Call – available from late March – which gives an excellent opportunity to all SMEs (and large companies) to invest in the growth of skills in the world of innovation and cybersecurity

Caterina Carroli, Project Manager at ECOLE (Enti Confindustriali Lombardi per l’Education) presented in more detail the opportunities of the Innovation and Enterprise Fund

“The notice – it has explained – finances in the adherent enterprises to Fondimpresa plans or participations of digital innovation and/or technological (for example introduction of new products and/or processes) that demand, in one or more phases of the realization and/or the transfer, training of the personnel concerned”

The call for proposals refers by innovation to all processes of definition and implementation of technological product and process innovations in the company (including significant changes in techniques, equipment or software).

Enterprises can benefit from up to 50,000, equivalent to 250 hours of training.

“There are two possibilities of participation: the Business Plan, where the beneficiary is a single undertaking which alone satisfies the numerical requirements of the Notice and the Business Plan in which the beneficiaries are several undertakings which together meet the numerical requirements of the notice”, clarified Caterina Carroli.

On the details of the training proposal: “Ecole’s objective is to encourage the implementation of a Cybersecurity by design process in enterprises. The training course is divided into several modules, each with specific training courses and the last one focused on awareness, then on the dissemination of risk awareness in the field of Cybersecurity. The duration is a total of 52 hours, customizable based on specific business needs”.

Monica Necchi presented the case history of CNAO, the National Centre of Oncological Adrotherapy that joined the previous Innovation Call. “Thanks to the training offered by the ECOLE Call, we have won the challenge of innovation in research and cutting-edge therapies. We set out our needs, whose solutions have been translated into a training plan of 250 hours that has allowed to improve high precision techniques to involve various groups of employees who gravitate with different roles around research and experimental line”.

In conclusion, the theme of Cybersecurity is as topical as ever as the risks and threats increase exponentially. And for this reason, the Innovation Call is an excellent opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises, to benefit from an incentive that, requiring only an investment of time, allows to create that internal culture and the start of a new process. To insert new processes and new technologies to support the company, in a conscious and informed way.

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Secure Network

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